SPARK Program Education Forum
TEL-AVIV UNIVERSITY – OPENING EVENT FDA’s Expedited and Special Development and Review Programs Lecture by…

כניסה חלקה לשלב הניסויים הקליניים
חברת הייעוץ ביו מדיקל ריסרץ' דזיין, הפועלת בתחום הרגולציה בפרויקטים ביו-רפואיים, מתמחה בעיקר בייעוץ
לשלב המוקדם של תהליך הפיתוח, לצד שירותי מיקור-חוץ לתכנון ניהול וביצוע מחקרים קליניים. המטרה - כניסה
מיטבית לשלב הניסויים הקליניים

SPARK Program at the Tel-Aviv University, Isreal
Dr. Moshe Neuman, founder & CEO of B.R.D, was selected as a regulatory consultant to…

Valuable resources presented at the 5th Annual Israeli National Clinical Trial Congress chaired by Dr. Neuman B.R.D CEO
In front of a large crowd of audiences, and in the presence and participation of…

B.R.D presents it’s CRO Services at BioMed 2015 Conference
B.R.D CRO team is happy to take part at the BioMed 2015 exibition (Boot 192).…

B.R.D shared its experience in conducting stem cell trials in ALS patients in Israel at initiation of Brainstorm trial in the United States.
Dr. Neuman, CEO of BRD, was asked to attend the investigator’s meeting at Mass General…

Dr. Neuman, B.R.D CEO was honored to chair the 1st National Conference for Clinical Research in Israel
“I thank the organizers for their invitation and the honor given to me, to chair…

B.R.D CRO at the Life Science Industry Event (LSIE) 2014
More than 24 planed business and consultation meetings were held during the four exhibition days…

Successful 1st Annual Israeli Conference for Clinical Trial Coordinators and Research nurses chaired by Dr. Neuman B.R.D CEO
More than 250 CRC and research nurses participated at the 1st Annual Israeli Conference for…

TEDMED Jerusalem 2014
Dr. Neuman, B.R.D CEO was invited by Abbvie Israel to join and participate in the…

B.R.D at BioMed 2011 Conference
B.R.D will participate at BioMed 2011, the most important biotechnology, pharmacy and financial partnering event…